My Birthday Week!

Its my birthday this week and what an amazing year to reflect upon. I start everyday with a walk or run with Ravioli. Today was no different I woke up and took Ravioli for a walk it was very cold out there and there was frost everywhere on the grass. Ravioli loved it and couldn't be bothered by it; daddy on the other had needed to get bundled up. 

When I got home from my walk Gina and I woke up Reece together to see her morning smiles. They truly are the best smiles ever. We got her dressed and played for a short while then it was nap time. I miss her so much during the week I don't want to put her down for her naps on the weekend, so I like to hold her in my arms and watch her sleep so peacefully. 

Also today we celebrated my 33rd birthday. Gina was so nice and had all our friends meet us at the Crack Shack for fried chicken and some beers. There were so many babies and little kids it's interesting to see how the focus shifts to the kids for birthdays. Reece was so cute in her outfit just look at that face and the hair! 

I loved the get together and feel so lucky to have such great friends and the most amazing gift was having a daughter to wish me a happy birthday for the first time ever. I just felt loved and blessed, I didn't need presents get together or anything except my sweet girls and my hairy best friend Ravioli. This happy family all matched for the celebration. 

My Birthday!

Today was my 33rd birthday and it was a very special day. Not only is it my first birthday as a father to Reece and Ravioli. It was the first Birthday I woke up and didn't selfishly think about myself or the gifts I would get. I woke up and couldn't wait to take Ravioli for a long walk because I know it makes him happy. Well the walk went perfectly then we all woke up Reece only to be surprised that she had a diaper blowout inside her sleepsuit. But you know what, that made the day special in its own right. Reece then needed a bath in the morning while daddy did the laundry. Reece loves the bath so much it wouldn't surprise me if she did it just so she could take that extra bath.

Then the facebook messages began to roll in and I got a very special text from my dad.

"Happy birthday my one and only son. The day you were born was very special, and I will never forget it. You have brought me great happiness and pride. Having you as my son has made my life all worthwhile. I will always love and respect you...Enjoy this day and all the days that are to come. Love, Dad"

It made me smile and think about the day Reece was born. It's amazing being a father and knowing that you have a person to mold into an amazing person to contribute to the world and to carry on your legacy.

I then went to work and worked half a day so I could spend time with the family. I got home to my smiling Reece, my beautiful wife and loyal dog. Those are the only gifts I could ever ask for. We then loaded up the car and went to my parents house where the whole family was there. My sister with her boys, watching them grow from the small babies to boys now who can hold a conversation makes me look forward to seeing Reece grow but also noticing how fast she will grow up and wanting her to just slow down a little and be the sweet baby she is just a while longer.

Gina made a special spaghetti and meatball dinner my favorite all from scratch. She is the most amazing partner and goes so far out of her way to make me feel special on my birthday.

My mom made me a cake complete with 33 candles and everyone sang including baby Reece and the boys who all helped me blow out the candles.

Once we got home I went for a run and had sometime to reflect on the day and I was just so amazed at how being a father and providing for my family was the focus of my thoughts it was the first time that happened to me on a day that is supposed to be all about me I still thought about all those around me and how blessed I am. I can't wait to see how Reece grows this year and how our little family continues to come into its own.