Before Baby Food Plan

Before Baby Food Plan

If you know me, you know I am a big spreadsheet person! Seriously, in conversation I have been known to say, “I have a spreadsheet for that!” One of my most shared google sheets is my “Before Baby Food Plan” and I wanted to share everything on it here today! In a perfect world we would have loved to have family nearby that could stock up our freezer and bring us food constantly but we didn’t have that (especially with baby #1! Baby #2 it was all about the #mealtrain) so I wanted to be extra prepared. This is also a good freezer meal planning list for meal prep and for recipes to make for friends who just had a baby in case they want to save what you make for them for later.

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Reece's Birth Story and Hospital Newborn Photos

Reece's Birth Story and Hospital Newborn Photos

Reece’s 3rd Birthday is coming up on September 15!!! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING! MY BABY! It’s so amazing to think back on her being born and wondering what kind of little human she would be. We had no idea we would get to be parents to such a special person! About 3 years ago I was about to go into labor. This is a VERY personal post but while I was pregnant, I LOVED reading birth stories and I would search for them all over the internet.

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Maternity Photos (Reece)

Maternity Photos (Reece)

In honor of Reece’s birth week I wanted to start the week by posting my maternity photos when I was pregnant with her! I felt huge and gross my whole pregnancy with Reece (I gained 50 lbs!!!) and I knew I wanted to get maternity photos taken but wasn’t sure if I would like them because I am so picky. Our photographer, Cori, blew us AWAY!!

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