Paris with an 8 Month Old Baby!

Paris with an 8 Month Old Baby!

Craig and I used to travel a lot before we had kids. Actually before we had 2 kids. Actually before Reece was a toddler. Hahaha. After we sold our house in Carmel Valley we moved into Craig’s parents house while we were waiting on our Cardiff house. Craig had a business conference in DC and we decided it would be the perfect time to do a big family trip! Reece and I met him in DC and visited my sister and family and then the 3 of us headed to Boston to see Craig’s sister and family. Since we were already on the east coast we decided to go to Europe and from there we took a flight to Paris with 8-month old Reece!

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Reece Elisabeth 0-8 Months

Reece Elisabeth 0-8 Months

When I decided to start this blog, I first and foremost wanted this as a permanent place on the internet for our memories. There is no way I would do a scrapbook at this point and even printing photo albums seems out of reach (but I do plan on doing them in the near future- each blog post I have written has it’s own folder of photos in the Tell Me Moore folder on my desktop) so I am following through and making some posts for my girls memories! I have SO MANY PHOTOS and have started categorizing at the beginning for Reece. Each month of her life has her own folder because there are so many haha.

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Reece's Birth Story and Hospital Newborn Photos

Reece's Birth Story and Hospital Newborn Photos

Reece’s 3rd Birthday is coming up on September 15!!! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING! MY BABY! It’s so amazing to think back on her being born and wondering what kind of little human she would be. We had no idea we would get to be parents to such a special person! About 3 years ago I was about to go into labor. This is a VERY personal post but while I was pregnant, I LOVED reading birth stories and I would search for them all over the internet.

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Puppy and Baby Best Friends- Year 1 #reeceandravi

Puppy and Baby Best Friends- Year 1 #reeceandravi

I have been wanting to write this post and preserve these memories for a long time because Reece and Ravioli have had a special relationship since day 1! Ravioli only knew me pregnant, with Reece in my belly, from the day we met. The special bond with Reece really formed the second she came home. It was amazing, it was like she was his baby!

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Maternity Photos (Reece)

Maternity Photos (Reece)

In honor of Reece’s birth week I wanted to start the week by posting my maternity photos when I was pregnant with her! I felt huge and gross my whole pregnancy with Reece (I gained 50 lbs!!!) and I knew I wanted to get maternity photos taken but wasn’t sure if I would like them because I am so picky. Our photographer, Cori, blew us AWAY!!

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