Meet Graham from Shelter to Soldier and Specialty Dog Training

Meet Graham from Shelter to Soldier and Specialty Dog Training

Hello! I haven’t blogged in awhile. I felt like I needed a little break. I recently hit the 2.5 month mark of starting Tell Me Moore as a lifestyle blog. It’s been an...interesting ride and I appreciate all the support I have gotten from you. I have thought about it and I’m going to try to have more intention with my posts. And it’s really cool because a couple weeks ago I met with my friend Graham Bloem (who also happens to be the guy who trained Ravioli!) and Graham made a point to tell me a couple times to be confident with what I’m doing and know that I’m making a difference.

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Ravioli Health Update

Ravioli Health Update

*Please talk to your vet immediately if your dog is on grain-free food!! This is a serious issue and misunderstood by a lot of people!*

Hi! I have been getting a lot of questions about Ravioli’s health and also the grain-free food issue in general so I wanted to write a quick post about it. I’m no doctor by ANY means so this update is going to sound really unprofessional but this is the way I have interpreted everything!

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Puppy and Baby Best Friends- Year 1 #reeceandravi

Puppy and Baby Best Friends- Year 1 #reeceandravi

I have been wanting to write this post and preserve these memories for a long time because Reece and Ravioli have had a special relationship since day 1! Ravioli only knew me pregnant, with Reece in my belly, from the day we met. The special bond with Reece really formed the second she came home. It was amazing, it was like she was his baby!

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11 Things To Do Before You Get a New Puppy

11 Things To Do Before You Get a New Puppy

Deciding to get a new puppy is a HUGE decision. I would like to preface this guide by saying to make sure you are REALLY ready to take care of a living creature that most resembles a human (i.e. this is not like taking care of a house plant or a goldfish). Craig and I contemplated getting a puppy for years (before Craig finally caved!!). We were traveling a lot, had full time jobs, and had no idea how to raise an 8-week old animal.

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