My Peloton Review

My 100th ride on September 13, 2019. I don’t love this photo but this was an exciting day!

My 100th ride on September 13, 2019. I don’t love this photo but this was an exciting day!

If you buy a Peloton because of me I would LOVE for you to use my unique referral code which is VJ6YST. When you place your order you will get $100 off accessories and I will receive a $100 referral reward of store credit. Thank you so much!

If you have been following me in 2019 you know that I am OBSESSED with my Peloton! I get tons of questions about it from my friends and followers and wanted to write a review!

Here is the short version that I text to my friends that ask about it in case you don’t feel like reading below...

”If you’re a spin person, you will LOVE IT. For people that don’t like or do spin already I think you should do some studio classes before making the purchase. But for people like me who love spin and it’s my workout of choice, it’s perfect. I like it even better than the studio!!! I used to do spin every day at the same time but there would be some days I would get a teacher I didn’t like or music that wasn’t good. But with Peloton you can pick your teacher and music and type/length of class. And it feels like you are actually in the class!! I didn’t think I would like it because I would miss the “live” studio feel. Not the case at all!!! It’s freaking awesome. Best workout. There are other workouts too!! I’m obsessed. Highly recommend. And Craig loves it too.”

A little back story- I started doing spin in October 2011 shortly after The Rush opened it’s first studio in Carmel Valley that was less than a mile from our house there. I would go pretty much every morning at 5:45am!!! I became obsessed with spin! I love the dark studio where no one can see you, black lights, loud good music, and the awesome teachers. I made friends with the other people in the morning crew and looked forward to this workout!! I definitely went through ebbs and flows of doing the same workout everyday and also being lazy and not wanting to get up at that hour but I was most motivated in the morning to work out before work and be done with it for the whole day. A couple years later I also paired it with hot yoga and/or my personal trainer. Needless to say, I am definitely a spin person. It is my workout of choice. After having our second baby, I realized how impossible it was going to be for me to work out (it was even hard with just one baby). Craig surprised me/us with the Peloton for Christmas and it was delivered on 12/30/2018. I had only had Parker 2 months before this. 10 months later and I’m still in love with my Peloton!

Here are my tips:

  1. When you first get it, play around with it and really get to know the bike and the touch screen and try all the teachers. Look for the All for One ride- You can search for it by sorting by “popular” It has all the instructors except Jenn Sherman. This will introduce you to all of them!!

  2. Follow any friends from Facebook if you have any and also look at the rides they have done. I like doing a ride that a friend has done because it’s extra motivating to follow or try to beat someone (you can see them riding at the “same time” as you in the leaderboard if you filter it to who you follow).

  3. To change it up I like doing Live Rides when I can. This can give you the extra a push to work your hardest in hopes of getting a shout out but it also feels like you are really in the studio since you are in real time! Honestly the ones that aren’t “live” still feel like you are in the studio! If I have a milestone I definitely make time for a Live Ride!

  4. My favorite teachers are Emma, Robin, Ally Love, Cody, and Hannah.

  5. My favorite ride is definitely Robin’s Lizzo ride! I have done it at least 4 times! Cody does some fun Britney vs Christina or BSB vs *NSYNC stuff.

  6. I clean it with non-bleach Clorox wipes (affiliate link)

  7. Also- you get a free peloton shirt when you do 100 rides! It’s called the century club and people go crazy about it. Join the facebook group if you want to see how crazy/fun Peloton people are!


*Most Asked* How do you find time for rides? How do you get on the bike with 2 toddlers? I ride during nap time. I am a freak about my kids naps. They do the same thing everyday and so do I! Craig takes Reece to school in the morning and Parker naps 8:30-10am. And then they both nap 1:30-3:30 in the afternoon. I try to ride in the morning but sometimes I need to get other stuff done so I’ll ride in the afternoon (I’m usually really tired from my day by then though!). Craig rides after bedtime at 7pm. When I’m done breastfeeding I plan on riding at 6am!! That is my preferred workout time! I’m crazy :) One day I’ll write a post on how I get my kids on a schedule haha.

Why the bike instead of the Tread? Is the peloton smaller than a treadmill? For me personally I am not a treadmill person (because I hate running) but I actually do want the tread after having the bike and loving it so much. I feel like it would be so much more motivating to me than a regular treadmill and I get in the best shape when I force myself to run. It’s more expensive though and it’s also huge. Not sure where we would put it.

How long did it take to deliver? Ours took a week to get here once we placed the order.

Does it tell you what the resistance is when you’re riding? Yes! The bike has every “best” feature of a bike that you would want! It has the length of the class, how much time is left, the music and name of the song you are listening to (I love that because I am horrible at knowing an artist or title of a song I heard), the leaderboard, the resistance that you are at, the recommended resistance that the teacher says to be on in case you didn’t hear it or forget, same with your cadence (rpm) and recommended cadence, your output (which is resistance plus cadence combined effort), speed, distance, and calories. You can also hide all of these things if you want (like sometimes I’ll hide the leaderboard because I don’t want to get caught up in being competitive- but sometimes I do!).

Are the instructors talking the whole time? It’s kind of on and off talking- but they don’t go too long without talking so that you keep on track and don’t get bored. They are teaching a live class in their studio so it feels like you are there in person.

What are your three favorite things about it? This is a tough one but I would say: no need to drive to workout, the freedom to choose the length/type/music/teacher for my ride, and following my friends on rides.

Where did you put the bike? Is it annoying in that space? It’s in my room. I like it there. My room has good natural light in it (I don’t like having the lights on when I ride- I used to ride in a dark spin room!) and it’s motivating to see it in the morning when you wake up. It’s not an eye sore so I’m not annoyed about it.

Would you buy it again if you had the chance? YES. 100 TIMES YES. Totally worth it.

Is it expensive? Yes- well I guess depends on how you look at it but it’s not cheap. We ordered it Christmas 2018 and did the family package which was $2444 to purchase the bike. Plus home delivery and tax, the total came out to $2883. And the monthly cost is $39/month to get the unlimited Peloton content. This includes all kinds of workouts and not just on the bike. But I say it depends on how you look at it because you should compare this to what you are already paying for your gym/spin membership. My spin classes I was taking were $12-$15 per class. So let’s say they were $12 and I got to 100 rides in 9 months so that would be $1200 right there. This means it will only take 18 months (or less) to make the bike purchase worth it for me. And since Craig just hit his 100th ride (last night!) we actually are about to break even on it! Paying $40/month is totally worth it at this point! There is also a payment plan option where you can pay interest free payments for the bike with Affirm until you pay it off. From my friend who recently did the Affirm option: “I think it’s a great option because you literally pay nothing down and pay no interest the entire time. I read the fine print to make sure I wasn’t getting screwed and could always pay off early without penalty.”

Thoughts on subscription only vs bike + subscription? I think this is a good option since you can use the bikes at the gym and take the same classes! A lot of people talk about this in the Peloton facebook group. My only concern is figuring out the resistance in case the numbers are different but I imagine that is easy to figure out.

Do you love it? Is it worth it? I love it and think it’s totally worth it. Again, I’m a spin person so I already loved spin.

How do you stay so motivated to keep using it? It’s my only option for working out. Ok, I lied, I could go for a run and lift weights but I actually have zero motivation to do those things, so I ride the Peloton. And I want to lose weight. And also I genuinely enjoy taking the classes. The teachers are fun and I pretend like I live in NYC when I am taking the classes.

Is it mostly a cardio workout? Yes but there are other options. I normally take an intervals and arm class where you use weights and do arm exercises throughout the workout. 2 lb weights feel like 20 lbs at times. Plus you can do other workouts besides the bike. They have: running, outdoor, strength, cycling, yoga, meditation, stretching, bootcamp, walking, and cardio workouts on demand on the app! You can cast these on your TV too (like for yoga).

Better than a bike at a gym? Quality wise the Peloton bike is the best one I have ridden. And then yes also for the perk of having a large touchscreen in front of you. But I still think you can rest your phone on the rack at the gym and get a similar experience.

Is it loud? The bike itself is quiet in my opinion. And you can use headphones or not for the music/instructor noise.

Does it get boring after awhile? I have had it for 10 months and I’m not bored. Honestly. I change it up a lot though. I try different teachers, different classes. Some days I’ll do a 20 minute HIIT ride. Some days a Greatest Showman Ride. It’s fun to change it up, look at the music, try a new teacher, etc. I really want to start doing other classes too, like yoga, to change it up for myself. But no, I’m not bored.

Have you lost weight? I got it 2 months after having Parker and have been breastfeeding this whole time. So I guess I would say probably? I’m 5-10 lbs (depending on the day/week- I fluctuate) to my pre Parker baby weight. But I don’t lose all the weight until I am done breastfeeding (I’m jealous of my people who do!!!!). And in general it’s really hard for me to lose weight unless I’m all in with tracking in My Fitness Pal, weight training, and not destroying my good week with an indulgent weekend. Let’s be honest, these are all excuses, if I wanted to lose more weight I could!