Reece Elisabeth 0-8 Months

When I decided to start this blog, I first and foremost wanted this as a permanent place on the internet for our memories. There is no way I would do a scrapbook at this point and even printing photo albums seems out of reach (but I do plan on doing them in the near future- each blog post I have written has it’s own folder of photos in the Tell Me Moore folder on my desktop) so I am following through and making some posts for my girls memories! I have SO MANY PHOTOS and have started categorizing at the beginning for Reece. Each month of her life has her own folder because there are so many haha. She was born September 15, 2016 and these photos start from when we brought her home on 9/17/16. Here is her birth story and hospital pics. Also, Reece and Ravi have their own first year post here. I decided to go to 8 months because at that point we did a big cross country trip and vacation to Paris and then we moved into our new house! My next posts will continue there and I will be doing a Paris trip guide while traveling with a baby!

Without further ado here are some photos from Reece’s first 8 months of life! (Use the arrows to scroll through the carousels of photos!)

Month 1 was very sleepy and sweet. Reece met all her grandparents, Mommy and Daddy had their first date night, and it ended with a 1 month birthday dinner at Juniper & Ivy! First baby ever in their kitchen at J&I with Richard Blais and Chef Jon!

Month 2 had lots of pumpkins, Reece’s first Halloween, Balboa Park, Del Mar, and lots of sleepy snuggles!

Month 3 was very exciting as Reece took her first plane to Naples at 2 months old, her hair grew even longer and cuter, her first Thanksgiving in FL (that turkey pic!!), meeting mommy’s friends, and her first time meeting Santa!

Month 4 had Reece’s first Christmas (check out those jammies!) with her cousins and getting cuter and cuter!

Month 5 Christa and Andy came to visit us, Reece started music class and we met friends that we are still close with, first Valentine’s Day, and first pigtails!

Month 6 was exciting with tagging along on a business trip to San Francisco with Daddy, starting to suck her thumb, and her half birthday!

Month 7 was filled with trying lots of food for Reece, getting our matching berets ready for Paris (the only 31st birthday present I asked for!), and enjoying our last days in Carmel Valley!

Month 8 involved packing up Reece’s first house in Carmel Valley, moving into the house where daddy grew up in Mission Hills, more music class (Miss Ashley and Blossom), and getting ready for our big trip (testing our travel stroller)!

Even though I wish I kept a baby book for each of my babies (I bought them but they seemed daunting to fill out and I already knew it wasn’t something I would keep up with), I did keep a calendar for Reece and would write milestones and other little notes in it. I did the calendar for like 7 months and then used the notes in my phone to write things. I haven’t done this for Parker at all #secondkidlife.

9/7/16: Mom and Dad’s 3rd Anniversary- went to Addison for dinner

9/11/16: Made 10 jars of sauce and 70 meatballs

9/12/16: A few contractions started…Mom thought water broke and we went to the hospital! False Alarm.

9/13/16: Chick Fil A for dinner…last supper?! Tons of kicking and more contractions

9/14/16: Went to chiro 9:15 and then acupuncture at 11:30. Phone shattered at 3:30 so we pack up the car to get it fixed. Left for hospital at 7pm.

9/15/16: DUE DATE! Baby Reece Elisabeth born at 9:41am. 8 lbs 3 oz, 20 1/4 inches

9/15/16: Mor Mor and Bapa meet Reece in the hospital

9/17/16: Reece comes home! Dad drives slow…

9/18/16: Reece meets Ravioli for the first time and Ravi loves his new BFF!

9/19/16: First doctor’s appointment- dr said Reece is better then perfect and Mom and Dad agree (7lbs 8oz)

9/21/16: Went to the mall for the first time. Nordy’s of course!

9/22/16: Newborn Photos with Cori. Reece’s first professional photo shoot!

9/25/16: Reece’s first trip to Del Mar Beach and to see Mommy and Daddy’s engagement bench. Belly button fell out!

10/8/16: First Party! Graham’s 1st Birthday Party

10/11/16: Grammy visits for the first time

10/13/16: Grandpa visits for the first time. Reece sleeps on him lots!

10/15/16: First time out to dinner. Juniper & Ivy. Got in the kitchen with Richard Blais!

10/18/16: Reece’s first trip to Balboa Park. Visit’s Mommy and Daddy’s bench where they got married

10/22/16: Daddy gave Reece her first bottle- yay! Mommy cried…so proud of Reece and Daddy

10/23/16: Smiley all day at mommy and daddy

10/27/16: Lots of smiles :)

10/30/16: First trip to the pumpkin patch

10/31/16: First Halloween! Dressed as a pumpkin and handed out candy with Mom, Dad, and Ravi

11/5/16: Aunt Adrienne visits for the first time. Lots of smiles and cuddles for her.

11/9/16: Daddy gives Reece big bottle with mommy and Ravioli’s help

11/10/16: Reece slept 7 hours last night. Mommy and Daddy are so proud.

11/16/16: Reece’s 1st plane to FL

11/24/16: Thanksgiving turkey- we put Reece in a pan!

12/3/16: Mommy and Reece love baths together!

12/19/16: Reece started rolling!

12/22/16: Daddy’s 33rd birthday

1/10/17: First mommy and me barre class at Dailey Method

1/16/17: Reece started sleeping on her belly and 1st music class

1/20/17: sleep training!

1/23/17: First stuffy nose and mommy feels a sharp bottom tooth

1/31/17: Reece and Mommy’s first day at the Y and infant center

2/6/17: Reece slept 8pm-6:45am!

2/9/17: Reece’s first pony tail like Pebbles! Reece really tries to crawl

2/10/17: Tooth #2 popped up this morning

2/12/17: On all fours really trying to crawl! Definitely scoots. First trip to Chino’s!

2/13/17: We still love music class with Miss Ashley on Mondays!

2/19/17: Reece likes to suck her (left) thumb

2/23/17: Demo music class at Blossom music was fun!

2/24/17: Reece found her feet and likes to eat her toes

2/27/17: Mommy and Reece got to join Daddy for a business trip to San Francisco!

3/3/17: Grandma and Grandpa come from FL!

3/6/17: Banana- first food!

3/12/17: Avocado

3/14/17: Started 8oz bottles before bed

3/15/17: Happy Half Birthday! 14lbs 2 oz (15th percentile) 27 inches (90th percentile) Tall and skinny! Last appt with Dr. Bancroft

3/16/17- 3rd tooth popped (top)

3/18/17- tried oatmeal and pears and made lots of funny faces

3/26/17- Babby Babble and says Dada when asked- more dada the next few days!

4/11/17- Mommy’s 31st Birthday

4/12/17- First Blossom Music class at 11:30am!

5/3/17- Last night staying at our Carmel Valley house!

5/4/17- Move into MorMor and Bapa’s House while we wait for our new house

5/9/17- First appt with our new doctor- 15lbs 6oz (15th percentile weight and 82nd for height)

5/10/17- tried peanut butter for the first time. While giving Jing Wang the keys to the CV house, Reece had a poopageddon all over mommy and mommy locked the keys and diapers in the car. Daddy had to run to Vons to get diapers and we waited for Audi care to come get the keys out of the car as we sat in Reece’s first house for the very last time!

5/12/17- Reece and Mommy fly to DC (Daddy was in Mexico for a bachelor party and had a work conference in DC so we reunited in DC together!)