Ravioli Health Update

Ravioli Health Update

*Please talk to your vet immediately if your dog is on grain-free food!! This is a serious issue and misunderstood by a lot of people!*

Hi! I have been getting a lot of questions about Ravioli’s health and also the grain-free food issue in general so I wanted to write a quick post about it. I’m no doctor by ANY means so this update is going to sound really unprofessional but this is the way I have interpreted everything!

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11 Things To Do Before You Get a New Puppy

11 Things To Do Before You Get a New Puppy

Deciding to get a new puppy is a HUGE decision. I would like to preface this guide by saying to make sure you are REALLY ready to take care of a living creature that most resembles a human (i.e. this is not like taking care of a house plant or a goldfish). Craig and I contemplated getting a puppy for years (before Craig finally caved!!). We were traveling a lot, had full time jobs, and had no idea how to raise an 8-week old animal.

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