Reece Turns 5 Months Old!

Today Reece is 5 months old!!! Time flies at lightning speed when you have a baby, it's unreal! She has 2 teeth now and puts everything in her mouth- she literally will take your hand and pull it to her mouth so she can eat it! Her new tricks include blowing raspberries in the air until spit comes out and lounging on her side like a model at the beach! She belly laughs and she is a drama queen who pretends to cry or cough and she thinks she is funny! We have caught her on her elbows and knees and she is totally trying to crawl (or at least scoot)! She has a new playpen that she loves to hang and play in. Her favorite person is definitely her doggie Ravioli. She is still obsessed with bath time and splashing and kicking! What a wonderful 5 months it has been with this girl!