Reece Turns 5 Months Old!

Today Reece is 5 months old!!! Time flies at lightning speed when you have a baby, it's unreal! She has 2 teeth now and puts everything in her mouth- she literally will take your hand and pull it to her mouth so she can eat it! Her new tricks include blowing raspberries in the air until spit comes out and lounging on her side like a model at the beach! She belly laughs and she is a drama queen who pretends to cry or cough and she thinks she is funny! We have caught her on her elbows and knees and she is totally trying to crawl (or at least scoot)! She has a new playpen that she loves to hang and play in. Her favorite person is definitely her doggie Ravioli. She is still obsessed with bath time and splashing and kicking! What a wonderful 5 months it has been with this girl!

Reece Turns 4 Months Old!

Reece Turned 4 months old today! She is learning lots of new things, she loves to roll over now and is even pulling and pushing herself towards things like a snake. We could have a crawler on our hands soon! She also have a tooth breaking through as she constantly is drooling and has her hands in her mouth. She is a happy baby and loves to do fun outings like music class, baby sign language and baby and me bare class! 

Reece loves to trying to put everything in her mouth, check out the below video, look mom no hands! 

Our New Normal

Life changed when we added our bundle of joy to our family! Reece has made our family so much more special. But life changed for sure a weekend outing has become mostly morning family walks with the dog to get coffee and talk to strangers about Reece's hair or Ravioli, I would say its about 50/50 baby or dog! haha. 

Today we went for an early morning walk in Solana Beach on Cedars Avenue. But first both Gina and I woke up Reece and the smiles she gives us in the morning show us the joy a new day brings her. She sees our faces and lights up to start a day full of family fun.

So cute! Gina and I can't help ourselves in thinking how blessed we are to have such a sweet baby.  She is so stinking cute, so much hair, its truly an amazing indescribable feeling. 

It was a cold morning so we all got bundled up and went for coffee at lofty coffee. 

Yummy Reece wants coffee!!!

Reece was so cute in her bunny. The whole crew Ravioli included went for a walk, we were early as all the shops were closed so we walked and found a nice bench to sit on. A nurse approached us and said, "well look at your perfect family I just had to stop and say that." She said "baby, wife, husband and this dog on this beautiful day." And she was right we are so lucky to all have each other. Lucky to have a healthy beautiful baby girl like Reece, lucky to have a beautiful well behaved dog like Ravioli, and most of all lucky to have each other, teammates from day one. We then went to Gina's favorite store Solo where we ran into celebrity chef Richard Blaze we seem to always run into him yet we never really say hi and we think he recognizes us from how many times we have been to his restaurants.

Another older lady stopped us to comment on our beautiful dog and all the hair on baby Reece's head we love it and welcome the conversation with strangers even if it's focused on our hairy children 🤣. Oh yeah and we also stopped for Ravioli at Mutropolis for some free treats, he is always a hit there. We then stopped for sandwiches at Board and Brew on the way home and enjoyed the rest of the day as a family at home together being thankful for each other and our new normal. 

Reece Turns 3 Months Old!

Everyday she amazes us at how much she loves life and everyone around her. She loves mom & dad and ravioli too. When dad has a bad day or work is difficult she is there to brighten it.

She is "talking" now with lots of new noises she loves sucking on her fingers and she gives mommy and daddy the biggest smiles in the morning.

Mommy Goes to Ellen!

Today mommy got tickets to go Ellen's TV show and it was a bonus day for 12 days of giveaways. She got lots of lego stuff and some nice gift certificates. We passed the kindness along and regifted all of the legos and the Legoland passes to a family that could have more use for them. 

It was a big day because it was the first time Reece ate from a bottle all day. Daddy was lucky to have some help from Mormor and Bapa. Reece was so good all day and ate from the bottle like a champ. Daddy did a great job of keeping you milk drunk all day. Reece slept so good for daddy. But she missed mommy lots. Today she rolled over for the first time with a little help from daddy. Daddy suddenly realized how fast she is growing up. We love her so much and we can't wait to see her grow.


Reece Visits Santa

Today Reece and Gina visited me during a busy day. I was able to step away from work so we could go to the mall and visit Santa.

Santa said to us that the most fussy one should get in the picture last he was thinking that would be our sweet baby girl. I assured him I was the most fussy. I mean could this picture be any cuter? Dad even made this his wallpaper on his phone for all of December showing off this cuteness every chance he could. 

We all had to join Reece in the picture for a family shot, Including Ravioli. We needed to make sure we all are going to get what we wanted as we were all so good all year long. 


Reece Turns 2 Months Old!

Today Reece is 2 months old! Reece is 11 lbs and 24 inches! She loves eating her hands, bath time, smiling, talking to her toys, and bottles with daddy!

Reece Goes to the Pumpkin Patch!

Today we took Reece to the pumpkin Patch. We didn't actually even buy a pumpkin but that didn't stop us from taking lots of photos, of our little pumpkin! The only costume we had for Reece was this cute little pumpkin outfit. By far the cutest pumpkin in the patch! We also went to a great Halloween party, check out Reece and her pals aren't their coustumes great! 

Reece Turns 1 Month Old!

Today Reece turns 1 month old! Reece weighs 9 lbs, 7oz! She loves milkies, cuddling, being in the Solly, biggggg stretching, bath time, making eye contact and looking all around! 

Welcome Reece Elisabeth Moore

On Septemer 15th 2016 at 9:41AM we welcomed Reece Elisabeth Moore to the world. We couldn't wait to meet this girl and watching her grow over the last 4 months has been amazing. We couldn't have a website about our family without documenting one of the most amazing days in our whole lives. 

We anxiously a waited her arrival as we did not know her gender and we highly recommend that others do the same. It made those first moments of her life so special, just Gina and I knew and the few nurses and midwife that delivered our sweet baby. Below is video of our birth, hopefully it gives you a peek into that most special day when we became 3.