Parker's Birth Story and Hospital Newborn Photos

Parker’s birth story is SO different than Reece’s birth story. The note in my phone with the story is also so much shorter than Reece’s was!! #secondkidproblems. Oh sweet Parker. My pregnancy with her was also totally different. I only gained 27 lbs and ironically felt skinnier than I ever had (not pregnant) haha. I was very nauseous in the beginning which totally explains the less weight gained. We didn’t know the gender so this made me think I was having a boy since I was never nauseous with Reece. Overall, being pregnant with a toddler is SO hard! Parker’s due date was October 18 and I was convinced she was coming early. In fact, my mom came out October 8th and I thought Parker would have been born already! You can imagine how uncomfortable I was having to wait an EXTRA WEEK for Parker to be born!! She was worth the wait- the sweetest, best baby you could ever imagine! She was born on October 25, 2018 at 7:24pm weighing 9lbs 3 oz and 23 inches long! I had the nurses measure her twice because I had never heard of a baby that long! 

What would have been a delicious and filling pre baby meal! Pigs in a blanket!

What would have been a delicious and filling pre baby meal! Pigs in a blanket!

Here is her birth story:

I was set to be induced 1 week after my due date on October 25 and I really didn’t want that but we made it to that day and I was still pregnant. They told us to call around noon that day. Craig and I dropped Reece off at school at 8:45am and I was nauseous and in hindsight that is totally when things got started. We went to Pancake House and I felt like I had the stomach flu! I couldn’t eat a single bite of my pancakes and went to the bathroom twice there. Shortly after I started having contractions but nothing painful. We got home around 10 and I had some more contractions and watched Father of the Bride 2 in bed. By 11am we were like “Ok let’s time these!” since they were getting closer together and with your second kid they want you to go in earlier. So we called the hospital and they were full (even though I was supposed to be induced that day!) but they said I could come in to get checked and if I was dilated I could stay. We got to the hospital at 1pm and I was 2cm. They put us in a waiting room and I was in so much pain!! I was so worried that I was going to be stuck in that room and not be able to get an epidural but they assured me that I could get on in there if I had to. They came to check me again 30 minutes later and I was 4cm! Things were moving fast! At that point they gave us a room and it was a huge, nice room. By the time I got there I was 5cm and finally got the epidural!! Relief. I had this amazing nurse who was so cute and we talked with every chance we got. She was only working until 7:30 that night and I was determined to have my baby before she left because I loved that nurse and wanted her to deliver my baby. They had me just lay there and dilate for a few hours. I had to get some oxygen to make the baby’s heartbeat get faster but everything was totally fine. I ate a popsicle and got turned from side to side. Once again I had made the anesthesiologist give me an extra good epidural with extra tape and everything. It turns out that it was so good that even my boobs were numb! This was normal though and they fixed it. Finally, around 6:30 I asked them if they could check me again because I really wanted to have the baby by 7:30. I remember the nurse saying that there was no way I would be 10cm but she would check anyway because she also wanted me to have the baby before her shift ended. Turns out I was 10cm and ready to push!! They got everything ready including the NICU people in case they were needed since Parker had pooped a little in my tummy. At 7pm I started pushing and  she was born at 7:24pm!! It all happened so fast and was so crazy that I was supposed to be induced that day but went into labor on my own!! She was ready!

We had already decided on the name Parker before she was born and that was going to be our baby name for either gender. Terry is the one middle name we chose too after Craig’s dad and since we didn’t know if we would ever have a third baby we wanted to give it to this baby either way. It worked perfectly since it is also a gender neutral name.