More Hospital Photos and sisters meet!

More Hospital Photos and sisters meet!

Here are more photos of Parker’s first couple of days while we were in the hospital! You can read Parker’s birthday story here. Reece was so excited to meet her baby sister. She had just turned 2 a month before Parker was born and was very much into the baby doll stage so getting her own real life baby doll could not have been more exciting!

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Reece's Birth Story and Hospital Newborn Photos

Reece's Birth Story and Hospital Newborn Photos

Reece’s 3rd Birthday is coming up on September 15!!! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING! MY BABY! It’s so amazing to think back on her being born and wondering what kind of little human she would be. We had no idea we would get to be parents to such a special person! About 3 years ago I was about to go into labor. This is a VERY personal post but while I was pregnant, I LOVED reading birth stories and I would search for them all over the internet.

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